Πέμπτη 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2010

Goes broke Greece or… OJ? In the political attack against our country that has started Germany and other forces of OJ and in the speculative attack that accompanies him, are used a pile propaganda fables and inaccuracies, so that they terrorise the Greek workers and they paralyse beforehand any their reactions in the metres of strangling austerity that compelled Prime Minister George Papandreou to announce. Focusing the all discussion in the height of deficit of also public debt, is attempted the manipulation of [anenimerotis] common opinion

Writes Giorgos [Delastik]

It goes broke i wonder a country when on line of years it has deficit? Yes, it is the answer that they try they submit. No, it is the correct answer. In no case are not enough the deficits in order to is led a country to bankruptcies.

To prove it, [as] we see what becomes in the economic superpowers of planet - the Eurozone, the USA, Japan.

And the three, entire decade 2001 - 2010 (it is meant that for 2010 we were reported in forecasts) had deficit and only deficit and the ten without exception continuous years!

Eurozone 6,6% for 2010 and 6,2% for 2009, but also 2,5% 2002 or 3% 2003.

A lot of villain the situation in the USA: deficit 10% in 2010 and 12,5% in 2009 or 5,9% in 2008. Also 3,7% in 2002 and 4,8% in 2003.

In Japan indescribable worse the things: deficit 8% in 2002 and also 8% in 2003, but also 5,8% in 2008 and 10,5% in 2009 or 10,2% in 2010! For entire the decade, the deficits of Japan it was of course more badly from those of Greece!

Yes, say somebodies, however Greece do not only have highly deficit have also high public debt. Japan you see! In the 135,4% (!) her GNP was found the public debt already from 2000 and by no means has not been decreased during the decade. On the contrary it has [ektoxeythei] in the 197,2% (!), when the Greek public debt was 112,6% in 2009 and is appreciated that it will reach in the 125% in 2010.

Then, the restriction of discussion in the public debt does not allow the complete depiction of situation.

If we extend the analysis in the total debt of each country (the total of sum that is to say that has been lented the state, the enterprises and the private individuals, hence public plus private debt), the picture changes impressively.

According to the elements of International Monetary Fund, the total debt of Greece is in the height of the 179% of GNP. Exceptionally high, it can believe no one. Perhaps, but the mean of OJ is… 175%! Same that is to say with Greece.

In the total debt by no means “champion of” Eurozone is not Greece. They exceed him Holland (!) with 234%, Ireland with 222%, Belgium with 219%, Spain with 207%, Portugal with 197%, Italy with 194% and go saying.

Impressive elements result also when deals no one with the exterior debt of country (how many owe always that is to say the state, the enterprises and the private individuals of country in foreigner banks, since a department of debt are reported in banks of same country).

Limiting the sample in the [ballomenes] Mediterranean countries (Greece, Portugal, Spain) and in Ireland, which as… countryof neoliberalism has [syrriknomeno] relatively public debt but astronomical debt of enterprises and private individuals, results a completely different classification of these countries.

In the exterior debt, therefore, we realise that Ireland [chrostaei] in the foreigners… 414% of her own her GNP and Portugal the 130% GNP.

In of course better fate are found Greece with 89,5% of GNP and Spain with 80% [basei] the elements that gives the German newspaper “[Frankfoyrter] [Algkemaine]”.

Exist also other countries of Eurozone, therefore, that actually owe more in the banks or in the foreigners from Greece.

Speculative and political the reasons

Six countries of Eurozone at least with head Holland and Belgium, have total debt (public and private) bigger than that of Greece! Ten entire years Japan has public debt of terribly bigger than that of Greece and at the same time the same decade has deficit on average much more badly from the Greek!

The per capita exterior lending of Ireland is almost [oktaplasios] (!) from Greece. The fact that for no one of these countries they do not say that it goes broke (very rightly, [alloste]), while they completely unfoundedly say him for Greece (), proves that the country for us is found in the epicentre political and speculative attacks.

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